What is the employment eligibility required to receive a Grant?

  • Minimum of 60 days employment with a Company-owned, U.S. based Rollins brand.
  • Employee must be in good standing with the Company.
  • Full or Part-Time employment required.
  • Temporary or Per Diem Company employees and consultants are not eligible to apply.

Do I need to contribute to the Rollins Employee Relief Fund to apply or be eligible to receive a Grant?

No, any full or part time employee can apply for Grant assistance, whether they donated to the Employee Relief Fund or not.

Will I receive the full amount I am requesting?

  • Not necessarily. The Committee will review the Application and all documentation. The Committee will determine the amount of the award.
  • The Rollins Employee Relief Fund is secondary to other resources.
  • The Rollins Employee Relief Fund is a resource to help an employee in a time of need. It is not intended to make the individual whole.

If I am awarded a Grant, do I need to pay it back?

No, a Grant is an award of financial assistance to the eligible individual which does not need to be repaid.

How often can I apply for a Grant?

Only one Grant per family will be awarded to an Applicant within a 12-month calendar period. However, eligible individuals with documented catastrophic circumstances may be eligible for additional Grant opportunities. The Grant Committee reserves the right to deny repeat requests for continuing circumstances extending over several years or, make exceptions for extenuating circumstances.

How will I know if I receive a Grant?

All Applicants will be notified verbally or in writing of the Grant Committee’s decision to approve or deny the request.

What documents do I need to submit to apply for a Grant?

  • See the Application Checklist here:
  • In addition to the Application, please submit the following copies (not originals):
    • Documentation regarding the emergency situation (fire or police report, insurance appraisal, insurance claims, invoices, etc.) and what caused the situation.
    • Copies of your last two pay stubs.
    • Approved documentation for Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Supplemental Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Worker’s Compensation, if applicable.
    • Invoices for which you are requesting payment, where applicable. Requests will not be considered without the invoice.
    • Your most recently filed 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ income tax return (do not include schedules).

My application contains confidential information. Who reviews my personal information?

The members of the Grant Committee are typically the only people who review the documentation you have provided. Your information is kept confidential among the Committee.

Are my managers made aware of my situation?

  • Branch and Region Managers, or equivalent, are notified to provide a statement of good standing for each applicant. Applicant must be in good standing with Rollins to receive a Grant from the RERF.
  • Managers are made aware that you applied to the Committee for a Grant when we request a statement of good standing. Managers are also made aware whether the Grant was awarded or denied when the Committee has reached a decision. The Committee will not divulge the details of your situation unless there is an extenuating circumstance that warrants your manager and/or your Human Resources Manager being involved.

Who may benefit from the Rollins Employee Relief Fund?

Assistance may benefit the employee’s immediate family (spouse or children) or any other person for whom the employee provides primary financial support. Proof of financial support will be required.

What expenses are excluded from assistance?

  • Medical Bills/Veterinary Bills
  • Credit Cards or Loan Payments
  • IRS Tax Debt
  • Student Loans or other Loans of any type
  • Legal Obligations/Fees/Garnishments
  • Grants are not awarded for general financial irresponsibility (accumulating debt for non-essential household expenses that are not sustainable)
  • Any expense deemed unnecessary such as cable television, lawn care services, housekeepers, streaming services, etc.

Why is the Application so in depth?

  • The Applicant is required to show proof of need to receive a Grant.
  • The Grant Committee is unable to make the best decision for the Applicant without reviewing the entire financial situation.
  • The generous employees that donate to the Fund have reassurance that the money is not being awarded frivolously and is helping fellow employees in real need.

Who is the Rollins Employee Relief Fund Committee?

  • The Rollins Employee Relief Fund (RERF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. The foundation is separate from the Company and includes all Company-owned, U.S. based Rollins brands.
  • The RERF is governed by a Committee consisting of your fellow employees across many of the Rollins brands.
  • Click here to see the Committee Members:

Is the Grant I received taxable by the IRS?

Grants are considered a gift and you do not have to claim them on your tax return.

Will I receive a donation receipt if I have donated to the Rollins Employee Relief Fund?

Yes, all donations are tax deductible. You will receive a contribution letter each January with the previous year’s contributions that you may use to file with your taxes.

How do I start or stop contributions to the Rollins Employee Relief Fund?

Go to your UKG homepage > click silhouette image > scroll down and click on the “Giving” tab on the left side > click on the “Rollins Employee Relief Fund Campaign” – this will allow you to change your payroll donations.

Contribute Today

At Rollins, we consider ourselves a family of coworkers. When one family member suffers a catastrophe, we all want to pitch in to help. It’s been part of our culture for decades. That is the reason for the Rollins Employee Relief Fund.